So, my friends, I have changed the title of my blog. I know, I know! It is scary. I had just finished my post below (so proceed to that post), when I looked at my title. I still love linguistics. But it's not really me anymore. When I started this blog, my mind was a whir of words. And I still love words. I will be listening to people talk and have random "I wonder why they used that syntactic construct?" moments. But when I am thinking and having thoughts bumping against the pia, arachnoid and dura maters, they are different thoughts. My mind is a jumble of molecules bonding to one another, blood doing its thing, Latin anatomy terms labeling everything as it goes, cells speeding around in their chosen method of mobility, proteins going along DNA doing their designated jobs, and ideas of how to save the world from the terrors of messed up clotting cascades. So, I felt a shift in focus was appropriate. Yes, I also changed my color. The pink was also just "n...