Two-fold: Conference Report and Semester Report

Conference Report:

My favorite musical numbers
1. "Abide with Me 'Tis Eventide" I've always loved that hymn.
2. "Guide Us, O Thou Great Jehovah" I've also always loved this hymn
3. "God Loved Us So He Sent His Son" I know that it was the priesthood session, but I had a good number of friends singing in the choir as it was BYU Men's Chorus and then all the boys from the choirs above that, so I went online and watched it. And I found them, and I really liked this arrangement. Of course, I think that all choirs should consist of men only.

My favorite Talks

1. Bishop Keith B. McMullin.
2. Julie B. Beck
3. Francisco J. Vinas
4. Thomas S. Monson Sunday Morning. I love the "NEVER" kid.
5. Russell M. Nelson. A note on this one: I am the BYU 17th Ward Family History consultant. I have been praying in my heart and aloud for months now that I would be able to stress the importance of family history to my ward, which on large completely ignores family history and has actually told me they feel, "We can do it in the millennium." I have been discouraged recently and praying a lot about this. I don't know if this talk will really make a difference among those in my ward, but it let me know that God is with me on this, and it just felt that my prayer had been acknowledged. I know that it will be answered, and I don't know that this is answered, but it at least feels that it's the confirmation email that God has received the prayer.

Semester Report

The classes I took this semester and my opinion of them:

1) Music 202: Music in Civilization 1600-present day, from Dr. Howard
I really enjoyed this class. Dr. Howard is amazing and makes each day entertaining and fun while still getting across every concept that he needs to. I can also find him in the Mormon Tabernacle Choir during conference and that's fun.

2) Physiology/Developmental Biology 305: Human Physiology (with LAB!), from Dr. Silcox
I just had to add the (with LAB!) part because that's how it's written on my schedule, sans all caps and exclamation point, but it sounds as if it's some sort of added bonus. I really like the class, but since it's physiology, if you don't want to take about blood, guts, fecal matter, urine and human reproduction, don't come. Especially since Dr. Silcox never misses an opportunity to gross someone out. I enjoyed it, but I guess I'm a 13-year-old boy at heart

3)Russian 340: Russian Novels in English, from Dr. Kelly
So, I pretty much loved this class. Basically all I can say about it. We read all sorts of cool books, and I liked most of them. Exception being Anna Karenina. Just am not a fan of that one. And Dead Souls was just weird. I don't know whether or not I like it.

4) Religion, Ancient Scripture 122: Book of Mormon part 2, from Bro. Moore
So, basically, it was a good class. It's Book of Mormon part 2. I really enjoyed Brother Moore's insights, because they were so well-thought-out and direct. But still, he managed to not be fire and brimstone. I had a fire-and-brimstone Book of Mormon prof last semester, and he was good too, but I think I needed a break from that.

5) Chemistry 285: Intro to Bio-Organic Chemistry, from Dr. Vollmer-Snarr
So, here's the deal. I loved this class. I know everyone else hated it, but I loved it. I didn't think it was inordinately hard. I know everyone else did, but I didn't. I thought Dr. Vollmer-Snarr was kind, clear and thoughtful. I know no one else did, but I did.

6) Dance 373R: Advanced Irish Dance Technique, from Jeanette (Geslison)
I loved this class, I loved this teacher. They were much meaner to us in Advanced that they were in Intermediate, but that's life. It was good for us.

Anyways, my friends, there is my happy life. And my happy thoughts.


I like your positive feelings about your courses.
diane said…
Why don't you pray about getting the Hatches interested in family history.

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