Day 10

In the movie, The Princess Bride, they refer to the kiss as something that was invented.  But how, if it is an invention, could it have arisen in every culture (except for those noted in an earlier post).  Some anthropologists believe that the kiss comes from the fact that at some point in our species' history, after babies were ready for solid food, but couldn't chew it themselves, mothers would chew it up in their mouth and then transfer it mouth to mouth.

I don't know if I want to believe this, because it takes something beautiful like a kiss and turns it into passing ABC nutrition.  I like to believe it is something much less germy--even though it is very germy.

Day 10: Best Movie Kisses, Stardust

Every kiss is better when someone glows.  And this kiss between Tristan and Yvaine makes Yvaine glow.  She is a star, after all.  Besides, this is when Tristan finally realizes that Yvaine is leaps and bounds above Victoria, the woman who is auctioning off her love to the highest bidder.

Day 10: Best TV Kisses, Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman

I remember days gone by where my family would watch this show together.  And now, it is on channel 229 sometimes.  It has the Western element, the romance element and the medical drama element, all of which are things I like.  And Michaela and Sully have some heated kisses throughout the show.  

Day 10: Best Animated Kisses, Beauty and the Beast

This movie was my favorite movie of all time when I was little.  The Disney Renaissance was strong with this one.  Plus, you know it's a good kiss when fireworks shoot out of your head.


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