Day 6

Here we are once again.  Did you know that the Thongi tribe of South Africa doesn't kiss?  Also, in many native Amazon cultures, adults don't kiss.  Eskimos really do rub their noses together and that is their form of kissing--they don't use their lips.  While I think it would be pretty adorable if we "kissed" with our noses, I am glad that we're not Thongi or Amazonian, because then I wouldn't be able to continue--or even to have started--this festival.

Day 6: Best Movie Kisses, Leap Year

In this movie, the two love interests are pretending to be married because they are traveling duress and learn that the inn keepers only have one room, and refuse to give it to an unmarried couple.  At dinner, the other married couples (the inn keepers and then the other random Italians), encourage them to kiss, saying that they kissed each other.  They are not romantically involved at this time, and in fact, the woman is in a serious relationship.  Basically, right now, Declan and Anna hate each other.  But, just by the mere look of this kiss, we know it won't stay that way for long.

Day 6: Best TV Kisses, The Big Bang Theory

This is another TV show that I have picked up from my roommates.  I don't like it as much as they do, merely because it kits way too close to home.  I laugh at the jokes because they're funny.  Apparently, they're supposed to be funny because no one would actually get them.  Anyways, this makes it wonderful when the too hyper-logical characters of Amy and Sheldon decide they need to take their relationship to that level.  Or rather, Amy, the more socially adept of the two, decides it.

Day 6: Best Animated Kisses, Sleeping Beauty

Let's be honest.  How could I not put this one in there.  Better thing about this one when compared to Snow White?  This one includes a lot more connection of the kissers, as well as a lot more emphasis on the male's personality than Snow White did.  So, I do think that this is a step above, and I cried watching this one too.  And it puts all the color back inside of her!


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