Day 13

A kiss is a funny thing.  It can encompass everything from the the most innocent of a child's kisses, to the less innocent of an older person's.  But really, a kiss is more importantly the way that we tell each other how we feel.  I admit that I used to not "get it."  I thought kissing looked wet and gross and chapped-like and all of those things.  However, I get it now.  Maybe it's because I've kissed now.  It's so much better than that.

Day 13, Best Movie Kisses, Never Been Kissed

Speaking of not getting it, here's a movie where the girl probably doesn't get it.  I also don't get Drew Barrymore.  But because of the cuteness of this scene and the beauty of Michael Vartan, here it is!  I haven't actually seen this movie for about 8 years.  But I remember this kiss at the baseball diamond.

Day 13, Best TV Kisses, Raising Hope

Here is a show that I watched the first little bit of the first season, and then lost interest. Probably because it's a bunch of funny jokes interspersed with some off-color-not-funny jokes.  It still makes me laugh when I catch a bit of it, but I just don't feel any pull towards it the rest of the time.  However, when I learned that the characters of Jimmy and Sabrina got engaged, I had to investigate their proposal.  A little context: Jimmy is raising his daughter, Hope, the result of a reckless one night stand.  However, he was raised in a dysfunctional family (he was the result of his parents' teenage pregnancy).  It's not dysfunctional in that there was angst or trauma, his parents are just goofy and neither had much opportunity, because they had him. Jimmy is determined that his daughter will have more opportunities than he did, more chances in life and something that she can be proud of.  And I always wanted Hope to get a mother figure, and there isn't really one better than Sabrina.  So, I saw Jimmy propose, and their kiss melted me. 

Day 13: Best Animated Kisses, Anastasia

I usually don't do well with kid's shows mis-teaching history to make a good story.  For some reason, I don't mind in Anastasia.  Maybe it's the voice of John Cusack.  Maybe it's the cute story.  Maybe it's because I've always like the named Dimitri, but am not of a culture where I could get away with using it (hint, hint, Sam and Marina--you could get away with it).  But I like this kiss--they just look so happy! 



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