Day 8

Did you know that kissing stimulates your heart rate to increase, your blood pressure increases while you kiss, you breathe much more deeply when kissing, and your pupils dilate!  Did you also know that humans have special neurons for kissing in the dark.  And the fMRI of someone who is kissing is indistinguishable from that of someone on drugs.  I don't actually know how they did that study, because really, think about that.  How would you do an fMRI on a kissing person?  I could see how you could do an fMRI on two kissing people, but then how would you be able to separate them again?

Day 8, Best Movie Kisses, Pirates of the Caribbean

So what's better than getting married?  Getting married on a boat.  What's better than getting married on a boat?  Getting married on a boat while fighting bad guys.  And the crossing swords right before the kiss is a nice touch.

Day 8, Best TV Kisses, Chuck

So, we're back to Chuck.  But really, when a kiss is good, a kiss is good. Even if it is from a show that has already been selected.  So, we had their first kiss, now they get to get married.  And they will be one awesome couple.

Day 8, Best Animated Kisses, Hunchback of Notre Dame

Esmeralda and Phoebus really are a cute couple.  And their kiss is adorable.  I do feel sorry for Quasimodo, but I want to include them.  Esmeralda is different on the Disney version, but I think that I like her better. 


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