Day 11

So really, from an outsider perspective, kissing is just sucking on body parts.  And I was going to say that I don't think people do that to other body parts, but then I realized that some people do.  The time I saw two people in my junior year English class sucking on each others' hands (no joke) comes to mind.  But really, I think that kissing is so much more than that.  It is an expression of love.  For whatever reason, we decided that that was how we would express it in our species.  And now, embrace it.

Day 11: Best Movie Kisses, That Thing You Do

In this kiss, Guy asks Faye when the last time she was truly kissed was.  She says 1961.  Seeing as she just got out of a multi-year relationship with a guy, this is a sad thing!  I hadn't been kissed until Brian, but I think that's a sad thing to have kissed a person for that long and then realize that none of it was real.  So, I'm glad that Guy can give her a real kiss.  And it is a real kiss!

Day 11: Best TV Kisses, Lost 

Lost started as a good show, but then by the last season it turned weird.  Except for this kiss.  This kiss is beautiful. Context:  Sawyer and Juliet fell in love on the island.  Then they all manage to reset the world so that the island and the whole plane crash had never happened.  This is Sawyer and Juliet in the alternate universe meeting, and then remembering that they already loved each other.

Day 11: Best Animated Kisses, Pocahontas 

Another kiss from Pocahontas.  So, we all know about my feelings about Pocahontas.  I also like that they made a Disney movie that doesn't quite end the way we all want it to.  Because not everything works out.  Also, John Smith is so dead, because "going back to England is his only chance," but that will take a couple of months.  He's a goner.  But for now, they love each other.


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