I Want to Cut My Own Stinkin' Melon

There are some things in this world that a lot of other people seem to like that I quite frankly don't.  One of these things is pre-cut fruit.  I bought some cantaloupe and honeydew the other day, and since I bought it from the little grocery store, and not the real grocery store, they were not full-sized fruits.  They were buckets of pre-cut fruit.  There are many reasons I don't like fruit this way:

1) It goes bad faster.  It really does
2) It is generally not as cheap as buying the full melon.  But, I don't have a car, and I wanted melons and fruit.
3) They cut the pieces WAY too big
4) I actually enjoy cutting fruit.
5) I am a control freak

I want to decide how big my pieces are.  I know the size of my mouth.  And I generally believe that unless it is a wedge of watermelon, melon should be eaten in bite-sized pieces.  You shouldn't have to take melon out of your mouth once it has touched your lips.  Not only is juicy, messy and not as satisfying, but it doesn't taste the same the second time on your lips. 

Cutting melon is also a zen-activity.

Basically, I want to cut m y own stinkin' melons.   The plus side?  They come in the best containers ever that are completely reusable. 


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