Top Ten Movies of the 80s (Talk about hard)

Best of the 80s!!!

1. The Princess Bride (1987)-- This movie might make all of the garbage cinematography in the 80s worth it. If we would miss anything out of the 80s, we'd miss this little gem. "As You Wish!"

2. Chariots of Fire (1981) An inspiring film and the music is great too. It helps me in my life sometimes.

3. The Fox and the Hound (1981) Just a fun little movie about friendship. "Copper!"

4. Big (1988) Tom Hanks is a hilarious guy. The little corns and the caviar and stuff is hilarious, and the dresses are so disgustingly 80s.

5. ET (1982) Just fun for everyone, and the music, once again, is very nice.

6. Amadeus (1984) Funny, but sometimes I wish they'd watch the language.

7. Star Wars of the 80s (1980 and 1983) I can't tell them apart, they're just epic.

8. Indiana Jones: The Last Crusade (1989) I think this is my favorite IJ (Indiana Jones) because it seems more developed than the others.

9. Oliver and Company (1988) I like Oliver Twist, and so this was just a kind of cute little play on it. And you actually despise, despise, DESPISE a Disney villain. Before, they were bad, but not despicable. I think Bill Sykes is the first Disney villain that I can truly HATE.

10. Indian Jones: The Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) It is sort of fun how it all works out, but the end is a little bit bizarre, I must say.

Honorable Mention: The Three Amigos (1986). I can't get over the singing bush.

Seen a Play Version and Heard the Movie’s Good: Steel Magnolias (1989), Driving Miss Daisy (1989)

Wow, this was rough-ish. Tomorrow, we meet the 90s, and we're into so many good movies that it's hard to choose.


I must say, "You are really a movie 'junkie.'" But there are some you chose that I liked in each decade. gwh
Hannah said…
I don't know if I'd call myself a movie junkie. My lists are something to keep my busy. To tell you the truth, in most of these decades, if I saw it and liked it, it's there. (Not all of them, but most of them). And I usually have to see a movie once before I can easily quote it.
m.b. said…
Princess Bride... that was the first movie my parents bought together when they were married.

We copied the entire thing onto tpaes to listen to the voices on car trips.... been listening since I was tiny.

Amazing movie.

So I say, that was a good list.

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