New Outlook On Life

So, if you haven't already noticed, I try to be positive, but I always come off as negative for some reason. Therefore, I am trying to change my outlook on life. For starters, I am not allowed to be negative for the rest of the week. If you're a positive personality, you probably don't realize just how hard this is. But I'm determined.

To help me in this endeavor, and to prove that I'm not as negative as I think I am, I've made a list of little things that make me happy. I once heard them being called natural highs:

*Being able to explain something in scientific terms: it makes me feel confident in my world
*Warm socks straight from the dryer
*Cleaning out an old file or box
*Organizing my room
*Learning something interesting about a language
*Getting the beats of my hardshoes just right
*Feeling my violin vibrato very easily, and on that line, feeling my violin strings ring in sympathy with sounds around me
*Seeing a complete stranger wave or smile at me
*moments of pure non-awkward silence
*hearing a favorite song on the radio
*laughing with all my family members
*feeling the Spirit of the Lord
*leaving for a roadtrip
*reading in the sun on a blanket in the front yard
*hearing a lawn mower, a bird and a buzzing bee at the same time (it's so cool sounding)
*listening to rain
*feeling a hamster's fur
*New socks
*Getting a letter in the mail (that's not junk)
*someone else painting my nails or braiding my hair
*playing the piano
*coming to consider a new person a friend
*Eating ice cream without a thought as to what's in it
*learning a new word

This just starts the list. I'm not as negative as I appear to be. But I could still be tons more positive.


m.b. said…
Hahhaaha - I love it!

I have a list like that too... here's an excerpt:

-Melting butter on freshly toasted toast
-Orange socks (dude! you like socks too?!)
-Using the C string on the cello
-Finding just the right pair of jeans
-Mud mud mud
-Freshly made pasta - not to soggy
-Doing homework in the park by the creek
-Meeting new snazzy friends
-Stapling together an essay
-that "click" feeling during math or science
-People I don't talk to as often as I used to acknowledging my presence
-Running through the fields with friends
-Just laying in the grass and thinking
-the Smell of books
-those moments with the worship team where everything just seems to come together perfectly
-Reaching in and pulling out the perfect flavoured jelly bean on the first try
-Talking to others with a passion (true passion) for photography
-Long talks with people I haven't talked to for a while when we realize what we've been missing
-white out
-kool aid
-giving people cookies

And so much more.

I'm going to give you a snazzy verse. It helps me be positive... cause I used to be quite pessimisstic I think....

"Finally brothers, whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, or admirable.... think about such things."

It's so simple, yet it has gotten me so far. It also covers me as a guideline in what movies I watch and what music I listen to.

"The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song."
Psalm 28:7

There's the answer! Thankfullness! Pretty snazzy eh?

I'm excited to be able to view your blog and see into the mind of Miss Hannah!

m.b. said…
"She will always be my
sunkissed trampoline!
She goes up and down in my mind!"

Mwahahaha :P

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