40 Bags in 40 Days: Day 31

So this one you don't get to see.  It's my financial affairs.  I will admit something:  I have always been bad at keeping financial records.  This isn't to say that I've always been bad at living within my means.  I have never had trouble there.  I'm not bad with money.  I don't buy things I can't afford.  I am a pretty savvy grocery shopper (thanks to my mother and homeschool).   I'm just bad with financial records.  I don't keep a very good record of things.  I don't really do budgets (I know it sounds like I can't be not bad with money then, but it's actually possible).  This came back to bite me this year during taxes when I didn't have solid records of all my charitable giving.  So, today, I took the time to start an official "budget."

I have actually been putting this one off for a long time.  I thought it would take forever to set it all up.  It actually didn't take that long.  And we'll see how well I keep up with it, but for now...it's all set.

Join me tomorrow (yes, actually tomorrow) when I clean out the bottom of my linen closet.


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