I blame Katherine Heigl

So what did she do to me? Let me explain.

So, on Monday, Beth, Carol and I begin our class. Our CNA class. Yes, we're going to be Certified Nurses' Assistants. Fun times. Anyways, I was searching out our uniforms: light blue scrubs and white sport shoes. Why is this a problem?

If you google for medical apparel stores in Seattle, you will not find any very easily. Why? It's Katherine Heigl's fault. Why? She just had to star in a medical drama that takes place in Seattle, and then (to make everything worse) she is releasing her own line of...wait for it...fashion scrubs. No. I'm not even kidding.

So, all I find are articles about this fashion line of Izzie Stephens Scrubs or whatever. To make it even worse, what is the line called but Seattle (well...one part of the line). Curse you Katherine Heigl! By wanting to make life more "fashionable" for women in healthcare, you have made my life more difficult. When I become an RN (not if...when), I doubt I will buy them. They're not even really so much more fashionable than regular ones: http://www.lydiasuniforms.com/category.asp?cat=272&ovchn=GGL&ovcpn=Katherine+Heigl&ovcrn=katherine+heigl&ovtac=PPC&SRC=PGOOGL08&gclid=CNiMo5mGt5QCFQ4UiQodXRrLTA.


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