My School Schedule

I have received my school schedule. It stands thus:

1st Period: American Sign Language 1, Renee Boulac instructor
2nd Period: IB Pre-Calculus, Michelle Gruber instructor
3rd Period: IB English 11, Tim Curtis instructor
4th Period: IB Psychology, Leila Starwich instructor
5th Period: IB History of the Americas, Sarah Hollenbeck instructor
6th Period: French 300, Jenny Hallenbeck instructor
7th Period: IB Biology, Beth Stewart instructor

Yes, I have two Hallenbeck/Hollenbecks, and yes they're back-to-back. But one's a Mrs. and one's a Mme. (Madame).

I'm excited for all but two classes. The two I'm not excited for: Pre-Calc, because I don't really LIKE math, and French 300. I love learning French, I love Mme. Hallenbeck, and I love languages, and I think that French is an extremely linguistically important language for English-speakers. All the Latin in English comes through the Normans bringing us French. All that Spanish you think is similar to English, is actually similar to French. Spanish and French are in the same linguistic family (Romance family) so they're similar to one another. However, I don't like French class, because it's inhabited by the most detestable of characters. Either the "French is such a refined, beautiful, [elitist] language," or the "I think that France is better in everyway than the US." And then there are the "languages are an easy credit" type, which I think might have been weeded out by now, because they learned in the 200 level, that learning a language is not all about coloring the vocab coloring pages, and that languages have something horrible associated with them called "grammar." So, they might all be gone.

However, I'm very, very excited for school to start now that I've gotten my schedule, even though I've heard that Junior year is the most stressful, so I'm a little worried. But I think I'll have fun, and I hope that most of my friends will be in my classes again, even though I am taking a break from orchestra, and that just ruined some of my chances of getting more classes with them. I'm worried that the person that I felt most connected to last year won't be in my classes, as her language is Spanish, her science is Physics and she takes Orchestra. I don't remember what her sixth subject is but...eek! We don't have a lot of scheduling in common. But I had three classes with her last year, but now we have even less in common.


m.b. said…

Anyways, sounds like you got a busy year. Languages are beautiful eh? I just started Italianisch today.. it is insane. I am supposed to do French, but these kids are in there, um, 6th year of it.. so I get free period!

Anyways, hope all goes well. Think of me during Orchestra. And when French get`s rough... well... picture ALL your classes in French. And when classes get boring.. imagine you can`t understand a word.

Haha.. gotta love life.

But I do miss you, honestly, I do. CAuse you are a verst insightful person annd good with GOOD conversations, not stupid stuff.

I almost forgot about your blog! But now, rediscovering it, makes me sooo happy. Cause I can catch up on the dear life of miss Hannah Russel... howeveer you spelly our last name.

I think you would love it here.

Are you still doing the dancing?



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