This up and down of blogging life

I was in a crazy place all of July.  Last night was the first night I had slept in my bed since June.  Other than that, I was either traveling, or I was working.  I find it strange.  When I haven't blogged for a bit, I go back to the keyboard with nothing.  Then, I just post something, and all of the sudden, I obtain all of these ideas.  I have lists and lists of ideas and they keep coming. When I've been blogging, but when I haven't, I look down at my list and don't even know where to start any of them.  So, I have to get the juice running again.  Think of this as my pump-priming post.

I guess this is sort of like my creative writing.  When I sit down, I sometimes have to write something silly and garbage-like before I can get going with the good stuff.

Pump primed.  I'll be back.


m.b. said…
Word. Definitely can relate to this. I've been enjoying reading your blog, Hannah. Haven't seen you in a while, but it's nice to read an update on your life.

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