Funny Moments of the Day

First funny story of the day:

There is a gal in some of my classes, who's really super nice, but she unfortunately says things that she doesn't really think about until it comes out of her mouth. Such as, when receiving new seats in Biology, where we now sit near each other, "Hannah, I liked it when I sat over there, and you sat way over there." Today's event: We were working on our History Internal Assessments, where we have a topic for an essay that we chose ourselves. My topic is the effect of the Harrison Narcotics Act on morphine-addicted World War I veterans. I had made a flow-chart of the important cause and effect relationships, and I'd oversimplified for the purpose of my notes so that my chart read, "Harrison Narcotics Act passed->lots of people hurt in WWI->people shot full of morphine->people addicted to morphine->no morphine to addicts->LOTS OF MORPHINE ADDICTS RUNNING AROUND." A guy in the class glanced over at my notes for a second, saw only the all-caps, big box on the bottom about scampering morphine-addicts, and said, "What is your topic?!" I explained, and then this girls says, very loudly, "Hannah, I can't believe you're doing morphine!" After we laughed, she tried to explain that she meant that the topic didn't seem like me, but we thought it was funny anyways.

Funny Story Number 2:

While my mom was driving me home from school, my little sister always makes noise, and babbles and sings and whatever. Today, the song was, "I Can't See Me Loving Nobody But You." However, as I listened to her words, she had changed the song, so that it was now, "I can't see me loving nobody but ME for all my life..."

The joys of life.


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