In this past semester, we talked some about toxicology and therapeutic drug monitoring. When we were learning about toxicology, we also had to memorize all the common drugs of abuse, their trade name, generic name and their street names. It was in this task that I learned that druggies have a lot of creativity. Marijuana is also called "Mary Jane," "skunk" and "sinsemilla." Hashish (which is different than marijuana, believe it or not) can be called "boom." At that's just the cannabinoids. When you get to the crazier stuff, the names get crazier. If you're on the street, no one is going to ask you for some heroin. They want some "smack" or some "horse." Or if they're not quite to the smack, maybe just some "Big O" or some "black stuff," both names for opium. Some come off the name, like "C" or "Charlie" (cocaine), or "Vitamin K" (ketamine), or "mesc...