40 Bags in 40 Days: Day 11

A couple of words today as I cleaned out my bedroom closet.  First, since starting my 40 Bags in 40 Days quest, I have run into a very wonderful problem.  My coat closet it overflowing with my thrift store box!  I have nowhere left to put clutter leaving my apartment.  Today, the things that I decluttered got stuffed into the box haphazardly.  Second, part of this was not as productive as it could have been, because I only got rid of the clothes that I hands down do not like.  Because I was already doing a clothing declutter program in which you turn all of your hangers backwards at the beginning of the year, and then turn them forwards when you wear it.  Anything not facing forwards in June, you obviously don't wear (because you have hit all the major weathers by that point), and can be thrown away.  Of course, evening gowns, temple dresses (even though I have been keeping up with wearing that regularly per one of my goals) and seasonal things (like Christmas clothes or something), get a pass.  So, a lot of the clothes may leave in June. 

Third, I always feel like I have far too much clothing.  Then, I realize how much most women own, and I have nothing!  Not that I mind...I really don't.  I think I have more than enough.  But as I look at apartments in Cincinnati, I see that a lot of them make walk-in closets a huge selling point.  One of the main ones I am looking at is making it a huge selling point.  Do they not realize that I'm MUCH more enticed by the washer/dryer and the window seat?  But I am fairly certain that I would not be able to fill a walk-in closet.  I suppose I can put my camping supplies in there. 

Anyways, here we are:



Tomorrow we won't have any pictures.  Because it will be cleaning my downloads folder.


Amanda said…
Yeah, you don't have a lot. I think my "I have to have this to live abroad" wardrobe is bigger than that. I aspire to your amount of thing.
Hannah said…
You do have to remember that I have a captain's style bed, and that my garments, t-shirts, scrubs and the like live there, though.

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