40 Bags in 40 Days: Day 13

The linen closet.  The bane of everyone's existence.  This is probably, hands down, the most cluttered place in my home, and everyone else's.  So cluttered, that I'm doing it in shifts.  Today was the top two shelves.



I know what you're going to say. "Hannah, it looks exactly the SAME!"  Yes, it does.  But here's what I decluttered:

1) Expired medications, contacts and empty packages.  Please note:  expired OTC medications are usually not dangerous.  They just significantly decrease in effectiveness.  So, I trashed them (appropriately)

2) Four (yes, count them, four) sticks of cherry chapstick.  I hate cherry chapstick.  I really do.  I think it is pretty much the epitome of nasty.  Unfortunately, cherry chapstick comes in the chapstick three pack that also includes spearmint (my third favorite), and strawberry (my second favorite).  And there is no other way to buy the strawberry ones!  And my first favorite is candy cane, and they only make that one at Christmas.  But, they are perfectly good sticks of cherry chapstick.  I didn't want to throw them away.  They're not even opened.  When I said to myself, "but they're not even open!" that's when I realized that that was the key.  They aren't even opened.  Which means that they can be donated.  And who wants chapstick?  Soldiers in deserts.  So, I will be donating them to a military relief organization...probably the USO.  But it depends on drop off locations and who wants chapstick at the moment.  It's only four sticks of chapstick...but every little bit helps, right?

So there you are.  My linen closet is clean on the top two shelves.  Join me tomorrow when I clean the left-hand side of my desk bookshelf.


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