The LAST Quarter...

Just so you know, that title is intended to be read with the inflection of the Dodo birds in Ice Age when they say, "The LAST melon..."

And that is a scary thought, because it means that, people, you only have three months to complete your New Year's Resolutions!  And that's just frankly scary.  It scares me a bit.  So, how am I doing?

Health Goals

Eat at least one meal every day: Let's be honest, I have, frankly, been awful about this one recently.  I did well when I was at camp, because they were scheduled and I ate to set a good example for the kids (even breakfast!), but other than's bad.

Carry around a water bottle: I haven't been that great this past week, but I will be better this coming week.

Writing Goals

Finish first draft of novel "War to End All Wars": I think I can do this one, but it's not done yet.

Finish first draft of novel "Passing the Setting Sun": COMPLETE!

Complete NaNoWriMo in November: Not yet November.

Reading Goals

Read at least 80 books: Oh, July. How you contributed to this one.  106 books read.  Done.

5% of total books read must be non-fiction: I'm not going to calculate this one today, because I know it went down from last quarter, and probably by a lot.

7.5% of total books read must be "classic" or "great" books: Ditto.

The Popsugar reading challenge: 30/50  I think we're at the point where I'm going to need to read some books because they fit a category, not just check off a category that happens to be fulfilled by it.

Religious and Family History Goals

Read scriptures every day: I have spurts of compliance.  Recommit.

 Pray every day: Once again, spurts of compliance.  Recommit.

Index or arbitrate 300 records every quarter: Oh gracious...

Find 16 names for the temple: I have 8 still.  Recommit.  To be honest, I found some but "gave them" to Sarah to find.  I kind of built a guide to finding them. 

Take at least one name through all temple ordinance, personally: Everything but sealing is done!  The problem is the other people aren't done.

Go to the temple at least once per month: Only missed one month and it's the same month that I missed in the first quarter.

Diligently look for an eternal companion: I am no longer dating someone, but I am going on dates.

Professional and Career Goals


Complete Grad School Applications: I have had phone interviews, have letters of rec lined up and working on my statement of intent this week.

Finish 14 CE Credits for ASCP: COMPLETE!

Music and Dance Goals

Finish John Thompson Level 3: Level 2 is complete, onto Level 3.

Learn all of Mozart Concerto in A major for violin: First movement done.  Second movement in progress.

Achieve Prizewinner Level in all Irish Dance competition categories: Haven't moved a level yet.  This one, to be honest, is probably not happening, but that doesn't mean the effort wasn't worth it.  I'll keep trying.

Renaissance Project Goals

Finish my current Latin book: Summer was bad for the Renaissance project. Recommit

Finish my current Ancient Greek book: Working on it.  Recommit.

Random Goals

Sew a dress: Need to do this. Recommit.
Do Four Things on my bucket list: Need to do this. Recommit.

Visit One New State: COMPLETE!


Amanda said…
I love this. And you. do we only have 4 months left? I'm happy about this, but also not really, because there's so much to still do!

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