Book Review: The Selection
“I hope you find someone you can't live without.I really do. And I hope you never have to know what it's like to have to try and live without them.” Here I sit, 20 minutes away from November (and NaNoWriMo!), having read a total of 20 books in the month of October. Some of them have reviews coming forthwith. Most don't, because I don't review books until I've read the whole series (or I've read all parts of the series released at that point in time) and most of the books I read were pieces of series. However, I am nearing the end of some series, or I finished the series. Such as for this one: The Selection. I read these books at the request of and out of respect for my teenage sister who loves them. And for her sake, I wish I could give them a good review. But I can't. It's okay. There are some books that I like in spite of myself, and maybe I would have liked these better when I was fifteen. I don't know. ...