'Tis the Season to Take Finals, Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la

November ended, I once again completed the National Novel Writing Month challenge, and I realized that December was upon us. I realized that this means one thing. Only two more weeks of classes before finals, and subsequently GOING HOME!

I thought I'd let you know that I have the following feelings about finals in each of the classes.

1) Rel A 121: The Book of Mormon, Part 1. So, I have been studying the Book of Mormon since I was a small child, yes. But I'm a little nervous about this exam. Why? Because exam questions are sometimes things such as, "Which of the following was not cited as a sin of Israel by Jacob, the brother of Nephi?" (Disclaimer: This wasn't an exam question, but a practice question that could have been on a final). I see questions like this and think, "duhhhhhhhhhhhh...," mouth hanging open and looking as stupid Tom the cat from the Tom and Jerry cartoons. There are always the give away questions, (things along the lines of, "Who of the following did not teach correct principles to the Nephites?" and your choices are a. King Benjamin, b. King Mosiah, c. Nephi, d. King Noah), but there are hard questions in these exams. I shall have to study. A lot.

2) SFL 210: Human Development. So, I feel pretty good about this exam. I have done quite well in this class in general, and I feel that if I scan my earlier notes (it's comprehensive), I'll be all right.

3) LING 330: Introductory Modern Linguistics. Pragmatics, morphology, semantics, language variation, language processing? They're all fine. 1st language acquisition, 2nd language acquisition, syntax? Darn we're in trouble. Time to study those. One of the most confusing things about 1st language acquisition is that the linguistics department and the communication disorders department don't agree and they're trying to indoctrinate their students to their perspective, but I have these concepts on exams in a linguistics department class as well as a communication disorders department class.

4) A HTG 100: American Heritage. We're good. If I can remember the differences between Lincoln's first and Lincoln's second inaugural addresses, all will end well. And if I can manage to not get the XI and XII Amendments confused. They want to switch in my mind for some reason.

5) ComD 332: Language Structure. So, I'll just have to remember what is linguistics department theories and what the is ComD department theories. And by the way, at least the linguistics department admits they're theories. The ComD department actually says that they're right and that the linguists are operating on false research (which they're not...it's legitimate research).

6) DANCE 273: Ethnic Irish Technique 1. Practice significantly is required. And then, hopefully, what happened to the Eight-hand jig will not happen to the 2-hand reel nor will it happen to the "Trip to the Cottage"

7) NURS 180: Preview of Nursing. NO FINAL!!!!!!!

8) ComD 133: Intro to Communication Disorders. Painful. But, I have 100% right now and a boatload of extra credit. I've heard that the final is a doozy, but I'll just study. It doesn't help that I have no interest in this. I have learned this semester, that Communication Disorders is not my minor. Bye bye, I will hopefully never see you again!

So, that's how it goes. Studying is a must, the majority of it falling in the categories of ComD 133 and LING 330.


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