Over-analyzing Disney Movies: The Little Mermaid--Why Eric is White.
I have recently noticed a trend of just purely over-analyzing Disney movies. In this category, I also include the fascination with photoshopping Disney characters to swap genders, races, or eras, as well as making princesses have "realistic" body shapes (which is something I could write a whole other post about, and it wouldn't be pretty. Spoiler alert: I find it to be one of the most unempowering trends of recent years). However, I sometimes wonder at how much people are reading into Disney movies. Today, I'm going to over-analyze their over-analysis. I recently read that the fact that Eric is a white prince is a representation of how we white-wash racial expectations for our children. I'm not even sure what that sentence means. It seems to have a lot of buzz words. But I'm going to show you today, using evidence from the film, why Prince Eric is, in fact, the correct color. (I will, however, say that Eric is the only Disney prince wh...