Bye Bye Birdie Update!

So, some notes on how it's been going so far, and some solutions that we've found to our previous problems/updates:

Techies Needed! Update!
So, the update on this one is as follows: We still have this problem. We're still bumping techies left and right, but that's all good. We haven't missed a change yet--yes the trashcan was a close one on Opening Night, but it made it on. Also, it would have been better if the techie putting it on didn't slide offstage as if it were a baseball game. Would have drawn less attention, but that's okay.

The Case of the Colorblind Fly Operator CASE CLOSED!

This was relatively easy to solve. We simply put navy blue under the orange spike of all the flies that he flies in. And that solved it.

The Dilemma of Detained Shriner Table Clamp DILEMMA ELIMINATED

If you can't solve a problem, eliminate it. We just don't have a clamp anymore, and when the tables move as two of the shriners do Russian stars on the top of the tables, they just deal with it.

The Mess of the Monotonously Sugar-Loaded Conrad Birdie LESS OF A CONCERN

He is still being monitored closely, but we've simply water-logged him, so that essentially, he'll just pee it all out. Now, the leather-pants dilemma is coming in, but I'd much rather him have that problem than the problem he was on the verge of before this. The hints for hyperglycemia are subtle. However, I am trained in recognizing when people are having medical problems (and then not really knowing how to solve them...that's the nurses' jobs).

The Hullabaloo of the Hoarse Hugo NATURE SOLVED OUR PROBLEM!

Not a problem. His voice came back! YEAH!

Yesterday's show, Rose's stockings ripped in the middle of the shriner number, but that's the way things go. And her fringe got stuck in one of the shriner's belts, but the number was still amazing! The shriners struggled with that number some, but on opening night, it was just spot on, and yesterday's show was close to it.

All in all, the play has pulled through.


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