Falling With Style: We Get Deep
The November after my engagement ended, I did NaNoWriMo. It was a rotten novel in so many ways--I got to 50,000 words, so I can't actually call it a failure. A shame, too, because it was just a gorgeous plot and story. I just wasn't emotionally able to really write at the time--my engagement had ended in mid-September and it was a quite sudden and hurtful end of a relationship. Maybe I'll go back to the novel some day, but a lot the writing can go away. However, sometimes, the emotions that I expressed during that month were so very raw and went to deep places of my soul that I don't explore much. One of these concepts that I explored was the idea of your story being someone else's story. The narrators of my story were the servants of a family, but the story was not theirs--but their lives were dictated by the story of their employers. I think that this was exploring a minor theme in my own life--trial by someone else's story. Not really...