I had some fangirling days. They mostly died when I went to high school. That doesn't mean that I don't still enjoy them, I just don't dedicate an expanse of time to them. It became apparent that I had left fangirling too long ago when someone on a youtube channel I watch said the term "OTP" and I didn't know what it meant. The term hadn't come into existence when I exited the fangirling world. It means "One True Pairing." The idea of shipping had come into existence then, but OTP is, apparently, the ultimate ship. It's not just a ship that you endorse. It is, according to you, the soulmate connections. Some of these I do endorse. I tend to be a canon-shipper, meaning that I ship the actual relationships of the books, but I do have exceptions. Marius belonged with Eponine, for example. And, even though I know they would have had marital strife, Jo and Laurie were made for each other. Today, I bring you some cr...