
Showing posts from June, 2018

I am a woman scientist...and I'm not a pioneer

Who here has heard of Rosalind Franklin? Probably all of you--or at least most.  She is a battle cry.  She is the story of repressed women. Talking about how wronged she was is close to a cult in feminism. Rosalind Franklin was an x-ray crystallographer who was best-known for determining the structure of coal.  At least until recently, when she is best known for being denied credit for the structure of DNA.  The story fits the narrative that feminists choose to make of history--this revisionist idea that men have always ignored the value of women, and very strong, determined women in science have been placed at the kids' table at the banquet of revered science, powerless to fight back.  Honestly, the reasons Rosalind Franklin didn't get the credit for discovering the structure of DNA: 1) she was jerk.  Sure, if she was a male jerk, maybe she would have been a little more tolerated, but nobody liked Rosalind Franklin.  She was a witch-with-a-b. 2) S...