
Showing posts from March, 2018

Our Unhealthy Relationship With Physical Activity

We hear all the time about America's obesity problem.  I mean, it was basically Michelle Obama's purpose for 8 years, right?  And usually, that goes into a place where we talk about food.  Occasionally, we talk about physical activity, but usually, we talk about food.  Well, today, I'm not going to talk about food.  I'm going to talk about physical activity, and why we have a problem.  I'm a fairly healthy person overall, if I'd be so humble to say.  I mean, yeah, I don't eat as much food as I'm supposed to (yeah, I know, the other way from most people), and I sometimes am not the kindest to my body in terms of relaxation and sleeping.  But I have a veritable obsession with raw vegetables, and I'm so active that doctors always give me the "really?" when I tell them how much physical activity I get.  As if I have to be lying or something.  But I wasn't always that way.  Growing up, I didn't identify as an active or "sporty...