Quiet Feminism
When I was a child--even when I was a teenager--I knew that both of my parents have engineering degrees. I knew that both of my parents have completed graduate degrees. I knew that my mother had a master's in engineering. And I just figured that some people's mothers have master's degrees in engineering. Basically, I didn't really think there was anything unusual about a woman getting an engineering degree in the early 1980s. Because it had never been a big deal--my mother just had a degree. Just like my dad. Then, I was in my twenties when I realized that my mother is a freaking feminist. Women didn't just get masters degrees in engineering in the early 1980s. It wasn't a thing women did. My mother is a feminist. Here's the other interesting part: my mother doesn't fight with people. She doesn't argue with people. In fact, she'd really rather not talk to people. Maybe, hence the engineer thing. As such...