A New Direction
So, right now, I'm a nursing major. But this will change in the next few days as I go through the official steps. Three questions I'm sure you have: 1) To What? 2) To do what? 3)Why? 1) To what am I changing my major? Well, my major is changing to Clinical Laboratory Science. Question 1b is "What the heck is that?" Well, Clinical Laboratory Science is a major that focuses on the very small-scale aspect of health care. When the doctor draws your blood and says, "We'll wait for this test to come back," who is it coming back from? Why the Clinical Laboratory Science majors of course! I'll be taking a lot of chemistry, a lot of biology and a boatload of microbiology and molecular biology. At the end of undergrad, I'll be certified to work in a hospital, analyzing that blood (and urine and other bodily fluids you don't want to know about) and also to tell the doctors what the heck any of it means. I still get to take pathophysiology and s...